Thursday, March 12, 2009


24 Hours

7 Days A week

4 WeeKs a monTh

and 12 mOnth a year..

but there is Only oNe Day i like The Most.,it is the daY i Met Him somWheRe in this eArth., and it is Such A reward to know him.,

EvErYdaY i hAve the chAnce to Chat with him (devotional)., And The oppoRtunity thaT was So preCious Oftenly neglEcted (bUsy)., i Am so Busy with soMe stuff thaT i TotALLy forGot Our Date (preoCcupied)., A one on One talked With Him for Just oNe hOur. a little length oF time Yet i Could Never Set everything aside for HiM., stiLL he reMains FaithfuLL anD bLessed Me despiTe of That.,

he iS so eaGEr eveN i Broke my promises., He still Loves me For Who i am even if everythinG aBout me Changes., He knOws me even beFore i was Born in this WorLd., he even coUnted the strands Of my hair., that's how muCh he knows .he Loves Me wiTh an evErlaSting LOve and No one cAn evr Change thAt., DespIte oF whaT i Have Done., i hAd cOmmiTTed a Lot oF siN bUt stiLL forgiVes me.,he hates sin But Loves The sinNer.. He GaVe his Son to Me so that i Could Be saVed.,(read JOHN3:16)

he Promised to Give me A briGht future aHead., He knows what plans he had for me., he hAd plaNned to Prosper me and to Give Me hope., palNs to bLess me anD loVe me unconditionaLLy., he is the perfect expressioN of Love.,

he is My saVioR mY persOnaL saVior., anD we CaLL him JESUS CHRISt.,

My PaiR oF ShoE

everyDay i waLk thrOugh the hArdshiPs of Life.,

eveRyday i waLk thrOugh the triALs Of Time.,

bUt i reMain heRe.,

standing firm AnD believing thaT i Could sTiLL waLk for some miLe.,

if i Had JEsus in mY liFe.,

DetinAtion anD pUrpoSe is oNe of whaT people Wants in TheiR liFe.,

A clear aNd ViViD destination to wheRe to Go To., BuT Few People Finds iT or Even DiscOvers iT., But onCe you HavE JesUs in youR liFe.,

He WiLL direcT yoU to The ThinGs., The Moment..The evEnt you Were Made For.,

As iT saYs., "No one mAkes A keY wiThout a Door To opEn fOr".. A SenTence Or eVen a StAtemeNt thaT wouLd struck me everYtimE i Read aNd HeaR it., It giVes a Hope,, A Light aNd a CleareR viEw tO where to Start to FinD mY destInaTion And Future.,

It iS FoUnd in The LoVinG haNd oF Our CreaTor., Our aLmighTy GOD.,

And i Am BlessEd to SaY thaT i Had a Pair oF shOe thaT fiTs me weLL., to WalK on For MilE just to FiniSh the Race., a destination And A purpose perfectly done for Me., if oNly i Would SurrenDeR mY heart And My liFe to The oNe wHo LonG time ago Saved Me.,

2nD LeveL in NURSING

CaSe PresEnTation..

RetUrn DemoNstraTions..

ComMuniTy dUtY.,


LonG hOuRs LecTuRe.,


80% WPA

ThEsE aRe OnlY oF the Few ThinGs a SecOnd LeveL nUrsIng StudenTs thiNk OF.,

Not to mentIon The miNor SubJecTs that we hAve To Pass tOo., i mUst aDmiT thAt iT is Sometimes tiRing And StreSsfuLL., yEt we Must be FleXible aNd paTieNt.,

we wiLL haNdLe liFe in the neaR fUture thAt is why eVerY moVe thaT we mAke wiLL alWays Be grAded (ultimu PaghuGas uG kaMot..hehe)..

bUt NurSing haS a Nice siDe alSo., we Learn So maNy ouTdoOr eXperiEnces That No four Corners Of the rooM coUld Give., we lEarned How To cAre for Others., even If We Know or Don't knoW TheM.,

We lEaRned How To bE pAtient aNd reSponSibLe., we Learned not to Be NegLigeNt in hAndLing EverydaY situation., we Learned to uSe OuR initiative and ComMon anD non-Common senses..

NuRsiNg is Fun anD tiring at the SamE time., yEt sO fuLL oF leaRningS as we interact and be exposed to different kinds oF people.,

NoWaDayS.. TheY CaLL iT "OKAY"

2009 is The yEar of The New GenerAtiOn.,

anD aM part of ThAt GenEratiOn.,

wheRe everyThiNg is OkaY.,

The Bad., The WorsT anD the WoRse DoiNg is CaLLed OkaY.,

eveR wOnderEd thAt the WoRd "oKAy" is CoMmonLy heaRd aNd uSeD??

DrUgs?? ThaT's "okAy"

GrEed Of Money?? ThaT's "OKAY"

PreMariTaL Sex?? ThaT's "OKAY"

AbOrTion?? weLL in Some CountriEs.. ThaT's "OKAY"..

DiVorCe?? weLL thAt's LEGAL and "OKAY"..

PoRnoGraPhy?? SomE CaLLs iT aRt anD "oKaY"..

But what The GenErAtiOn dOn't thiNk is That ThiS thinGs thAt Are "OKAY" Can Be caLLed the biG "S".. The SIN..

SometiMes we Have To StOp SaYinG okAy to The NormaL thiNgs ThaT peoplE do in Order For uS to Have A diFfeReNt oUtcOme., We ShoUld sTand BeyOnd The NorMs anD aCts Of People aNd get in LinE wiTh the NormS of our ChriSt.,

we Are Living ina GenerAtion wHere ChriStiaNs aRe nOt perSecutEd anymore are not stoned to death., But sTiLl, TheRe is More Sin CommiTTed.. why is ThaT so?? BecaUse PeopLe haD fiXed There StaNdaRds To Something tHat ShoUldn't be., thAt peopLe NowAdAys sometimEs miSinterpreteD Sin As thE worD okAy..

it's Okay to TaSte DruGs., it's Okay to dRink LiqOur., it's okaY to do premarital sex., sTop SaYing okAy to ThinGs liKe thaT., it Doesn't mean that MosT people does it., it is Not bad Anymore., Be Mature enoUgh to Know When To saY sToP., aNd whEn to Stop SaYinG okAy.,

We mUst Change our Outlooks in liFe aNd stand beYond The NormS oF mEn., Be diFfereNt to make A diFfereNce.,

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The SecTiOn N i KnOw

TeacHers Calls uS naSty kids..

(kuRidas secTion)

FeLLoW StuDenT CaLLs uS MeaN.,

(pamAti Daw Mi)

CliNicaL inStrUctor REmeMeberS us As The NOISY section..

(hMmMmpT., No coMment..)

But deSpite Of This NegaTive ThinGs theY thoUghT oF us.,

They'LL never Know How Much ThouGhtfuL.,

CaRing And LoVing WE coUld be..

(asK every Part Of section "N")

we May be Rude at Times And Very RuThleSs., But inSide Our hEarts There iS a GooDneSS thaT bLooMs SilentLy(nagSalita aNg mALum).,

We ArE Not always whAt They ThiNk of Us., we cAn Be sOo niCe anD so GenTLe oUt Of NowheRe anD noThinGnEss., We cAn Be FriendLy anD reSpectFuL wHen We Know Your ReaLLy woRth iT., we cAn Be a True Friend And A SoUrCe oF coUragE as A fRieNd., we cAn Be Your BriGht FutUre eveRy quiZzes anD tEsts

(briGht eYes Bright Future Bah.,hehehe).,

"N" Never LeavEs a CompAniOn BehInd., Every persOn thaT caME aloNg anD onCe been PaRt oF the SecTion wiLL alWays Be EnGraveD in Our hEartS, we AlwAyS anD makes TheM feeL They Are WoRth More Than A ClaSsmaTe., TheY aRe woRth to be CaLLed FriEnds., we mAy OftEntimEs had FighTs beTweEn anD amOng eaCh oTher.,but We StiLL fInd ThinGs AnD wAys To paTch Up the bRokeN tieS wiTh eAch Others.,

the relaTionShiP we hAd Was muCh mOre thaN a CollEaGuE anD a ClaSsMate., But raTher A FriEnd A BroTher aNd A Sister., So mUch tiMe anD ouTings we spent wiTh EacH other., So mUch meMory to Keep anD enGraved unTiL tiMe perMits., the RelaTionShip is Soo DeeP thaT moSt oF the GroUps had pAired up., it's Not aVoidable that one fALLs in loVe to Another.,no huRtfuL Things That lastEd a MonTh., CAuse everyoNe wouLd be aFfected if Two would Argue., evRyone findS a waY to mAke thingS woRk oUt Fine.,

tHaT's The "N" i Knew AnD wiLl alwAys kNow.,

Simple yet so Complicated., TheY maY caLL us Soo Mean bUt yeT so True.,

And Am gLad am part Of thiS SecTion.,

Am ProUd To Bee.,


GooDbYe MoMeNtzZ

EvErytHing hAs An EnD., But Not aLL enD is biTter..
Sometimes we hAvE to See A clearer VisiOn oF whAt does A gOodbYe mEans..
Most of the time It OpenS uP an opportunity For A beTter liFe and Sometimes it Teaches Us valuable lesSoNs for a lifetime Use..

We May Get HuRt anD sHed Tears For The saD gooDbyEs but we Must leT Our Hearts Be Open and Be patieNt.. for GooDbYes Are NevEr maDe to Make uS soRroWfuLL.,

i can Still RememBer rEading A passAge., aN essaY ratHer that Made mE see The BriGhter sIde of leTTing go And Moving On.. This EssAy was Entitled "The Beauty Of Letting Go".. i Can stiLL clearly remember reading it wHen i Was in GradescHooL., Yes i Was Young at that Time bUt i was stRucked by the meSsAGe of the passAgE.,

it merely saYs That LettiNg Go, gives Us a Hope.. A meaNing.. and an opportunity..
But the center Of the MessAge Was Of LOVE.. A big issue to every Person.. Every teenager and every Couple we Know.,

Letting Go And MovinG sHould not seem To be That Bitter And Hurtful. That leTTing go gives us time to ThiNk things Over and to reaLize things That Are bEing neglected wHen we weRe stiLL busy Loving anD caRing For somEone with no AssuRance of Anything.,

Yes it sAid thAt in Loving, We sHould Not expect in return.. But human As we are,, We caNnot bLame OurseLves wheN we Think Of Something or even Hope Of Something in Return.. That is where Frustrations.. Bitterness.. and hardFeeLings gets in the wAy of someones life.,

we ShouLd leArn To Know the Beauty of Letting Go..HaviNg the Opportunity to know Ourselves better., to have time for ourselves and to love and care for ourselves.,

i perSoNaLy beLieve ThaT we Do not Need someOne to SurVive in this worLd., But rAther we Just WanT soMeoNe tO be with in This WorLd., To acCompaNy uS anD to Share To uS coMmon eXperiEnces.,

So lOve tiLL you Can., And Love tiLL it's woRth crying for.. But never strive to save a loVe wheN you Are HurtiNg while tryiNg to saVe it.. you Can Find AnoTher lOve But never Another you.,

So Never Be aFraid Of LettiNg Go anD mOving On., Yes, i Know It is hArD., But liFe anD feeLiNgs Change.. Later On., Those Hurtful things you had experienced WiLL onLy be A memoRy to RemeMber Rather than A memorY to LivE By.,

And RememBer thEre is SOMEONE who lOves You unconditionaLLy anD irreversabLy.. Please Read.. (JoHn 17:23)