Thursday, March 12, 2009

My PaiR oF ShoE

everyDay i waLk thrOugh the hArdshiPs of Life.,

eveRyday i waLk thrOugh the triALs Of Time.,

bUt i reMain heRe.,

standing firm AnD believing thaT i Could sTiLL waLk for some miLe.,

if i Had JEsus in mY liFe.,

DetinAtion anD pUrpoSe is oNe of whaT people Wants in TheiR liFe.,

A clear aNd ViViD destination to wheRe to Go To., BuT Few People Finds iT or Even DiscOvers iT., But onCe you HavE JesUs in youR liFe.,

He WiLL direcT yoU to The ThinGs., The Moment..The evEnt you Were Made For.,

As iT saYs., "No one mAkes A keY wiThout a Door To opEn fOr".. A SenTence Or eVen a StAtemeNt thaT wouLd struck me everYtimE i Read aNd HeaR it., It giVes a Hope,, A Light aNd a CleareR viEw tO where to Start to FinD mY destInaTion And Future.,

It iS FoUnd in The LoVinG haNd oF Our CreaTor., Our aLmighTy GOD.,

And i Am BlessEd to SaY thaT i Had a Pair oF shOe thaT fiTs me weLL., to WalK on For MilE just to FiniSh the Race., a destination And A purpose perfectly done for Me., if oNly i Would SurrenDeR mY heart And My liFe to The oNe wHo LonG time ago Saved Me.,

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