Thursday, March 12, 2009

2nD LeveL in NURSING

CaSe PresEnTation..

RetUrn DemoNstraTions..

ComMuniTy dUtY.,


LonG hOuRs LecTuRe.,


80% WPA

ThEsE aRe OnlY oF the Few ThinGs a SecOnd LeveL nUrsIng StudenTs thiNk OF.,

Not to mentIon The miNor SubJecTs that we hAve To Pass tOo., i mUst aDmiT thAt iT is Sometimes tiRing And StreSsfuLL., yEt we Must be FleXible aNd paTieNt.,

we wiLL haNdLe liFe in the neaR fUture thAt is why eVerY moVe thaT we mAke wiLL alWays Be grAded (ultimu PaghuGas uG kaMot..hehe)..

bUt NurSing haS a Nice siDe alSo., we Learn So maNy ouTdoOr eXperiEnces That No four Corners Of the rooM coUld Give., we lEarned How To cAre for Others., even If We Know or Don't knoW TheM.,

We lEaRned How To bE pAtient aNd reSponSibLe., we Learned not to Be NegLigeNt in hAndLing EverydaY situation., we Learned to uSe OuR initiative and ComMon anD non-Common senses..

NuRsiNg is Fun anD tiring at the SamE time., yEt sO fuLL oF leaRningS as we interact and be exposed to different kinds oF people.,

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