Thursday, March 12, 2009

NoWaDayS.. TheY CaLL iT "OKAY"

2009 is The yEar of The New GenerAtiOn.,

anD aM part of ThAt GenEratiOn.,

wheRe everyThiNg is OkaY.,

The Bad., The WorsT anD the WoRse DoiNg is CaLLed OkaY.,

eveR wOnderEd thAt the WoRd "oKAy" is CoMmonLy heaRd aNd uSeD??

DrUgs?? ThaT's "okAy"

GrEed Of Money?? ThaT's "OKAY"

PreMariTaL Sex?? ThaT's "OKAY"

AbOrTion?? weLL in Some CountriEs.. ThaT's "OKAY"..

DiVorCe?? weLL thAt's LEGAL and "OKAY"..

PoRnoGraPhy?? SomE CaLLs iT aRt anD "oKaY"..

But what The GenErAtiOn dOn't thiNk is That ThiS thinGs thAt Are "OKAY" Can Be caLLed the biG "S".. The SIN..

SometiMes we Have To StOp SaYinG okAy to The NormaL thiNgs ThaT peoplE do in Order For uS to Have A diFfeReNt oUtcOme., We ShoUld sTand BeyOnd The NorMs anD aCts Of People aNd get in LinE wiTh the NormS of our ChriSt.,

we Are Living ina GenerAtion wHere ChriStiaNs aRe nOt perSecutEd anymore are not stoned to death., But sTiLl, TheRe is More Sin CommiTTed.. why is ThaT so?? BecaUse PeopLe haD fiXed There StaNdaRds To Something tHat ShoUldn't be., thAt peopLe NowAdAys sometimEs miSinterpreteD Sin As thE worD okAy..

it's Okay to TaSte DruGs., it's Okay to dRink LiqOur., it's okaY to do premarital sex., sTop SaYing okAy to ThinGs liKe thaT., it Doesn't mean that MosT people does it., it is Not bad Anymore., Be Mature enoUgh to Know When To saY sToP., aNd whEn to Stop SaYinG okAy.,

We mUst Change our Outlooks in liFe aNd stand beYond The NormS oF mEn., Be diFfereNt to make A diFfereNce.,

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