Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The SecTiOn N i KnOw

TeacHers Calls uS naSty kids..

(kuRidas secTion)

FeLLoW StuDenT CaLLs uS MeaN.,

(pamAti Daw Mi)

CliNicaL inStrUctor REmeMeberS us As The NOISY section..

(hMmMmpT., No coMment..)

But deSpite Of This NegaTive ThinGs theY thoUghT oF us.,

They'LL never Know How Much ThouGhtfuL.,

CaRing And LoVing WE coUld be..

(asK every Part Of section "N")

we May be Rude at Times And Very RuThleSs., But inSide Our hEarts There iS a GooDneSS thaT bLooMs SilentLy(nagSalita aNg mALum).,

We ArE Not always whAt They ThiNk of Us., we cAn Be sOo niCe anD so GenTLe oUt Of NowheRe anD noThinGnEss., We cAn Be FriendLy anD reSpectFuL wHen We Know Your ReaLLy woRth iT., we cAn Be a True Friend And A SoUrCe oF coUragE as A fRieNd., we cAn Be Your BriGht FutUre eveRy quiZzes anD tEsts

(briGht eYes Bright Future Bah.,hehehe).,

"N" Never LeavEs a CompAniOn BehInd., Every persOn thaT caME aloNg anD onCe been PaRt oF the SecTion wiLL alWays Be EnGraveD in Our hEartS, we AlwAyS anD makes TheM feeL They Are WoRth More Than A ClaSsmaTe., TheY aRe woRth to be CaLLed FriEnds., we mAy OftEntimEs had FighTs beTweEn anD amOng eaCh oTher.,but We StiLL fInd ThinGs AnD wAys To paTch Up the bRokeN tieS wiTh eAch Others.,

the relaTionShiP we hAd Was muCh mOre thaN a CollEaGuE anD a ClaSsMate., But raTher A FriEnd A BroTher aNd A Sister., So mUch tiMe anD ouTings we spent wiTh EacH other., So mUch meMory to Keep anD enGraved unTiL tiMe perMits., the RelaTionShip is Soo DeeP thaT moSt oF the GroUps had pAired up., it's Not aVoidable that one fALLs in loVe to Another.,no huRtfuL Things That lastEd a MonTh., CAuse everyoNe wouLd be aFfected if Two would Argue., evRyone findS a waY to mAke thingS woRk oUt Fine.,

tHaT's The "N" i Knew AnD wiLl alwAys kNow.,

Simple yet so Complicated., TheY maY caLL us Soo Mean bUt yeT so True.,

And Am gLad am part Of thiS SecTion.,

Am ProUd To Bee.,


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