Wednesday, March 11, 2009

GooDbYe MoMeNtzZ

EvErytHing hAs An EnD., But Not aLL enD is biTter..
Sometimes we hAvE to See A clearer VisiOn oF whAt does A gOodbYe mEans..
Most of the time It OpenS uP an opportunity For A beTter liFe and Sometimes it Teaches Us valuable lesSoNs for a lifetime Use..

We May Get HuRt anD sHed Tears For The saD gooDbyEs but we Must leT Our Hearts Be Open and Be patieNt.. for GooDbYes Are NevEr maDe to Make uS soRroWfuLL.,

i can Still RememBer rEading A passAge., aN essaY ratHer that Made mE see The BriGhter sIde of leTTing go And Moving On.. This EssAy was Entitled "The Beauty Of Letting Go".. i Can stiLL clearly remember reading it wHen i Was in GradescHooL., Yes i Was Young at that Time bUt i was stRucked by the meSsAGe of the passAgE.,

it merely saYs That LettiNg Go, gives Us a Hope.. A meaNing.. and an opportunity..
But the center Of the MessAge Was Of LOVE.. A big issue to every Person.. Every teenager and every Couple we Know.,

Letting Go And MovinG sHould not seem To be That Bitter And Hurtful. That leTTing go gives us time to ThiNk things Over and to reaLize things That Are bEing neglected wHen we weRe stiLL busy Loving anD caRing For somEone with no AssuRance of Anything.,

Yes it sAid thAt in Loving, We sHould Not expect in return.. But human As we are,, We caNnot bLame OurseLves wheN we Think Of Something or even Hope Of Something in Return.. That is where Frustrations.. Bitterness.. and hardFeeLings gets in the wAy of someones life.,

we ShouLd leArn To Know the Beauty of Letting Go..HaviNg the Opportunity to know Ourselves better., to have time for ourselves and to love and care for ourselves.,

i perSoNaLy beLieve ThaT we Do not Need someOne to SurVive in this worLd., But rAther we Just WanT soMeoNe tO be with in This WorLd., To acCompaNy uS anD to Share To uS coMmon eXperiEnces.,

So lOve tiLL you Can., And Love tiLL it's woRth crying for.. But never strive to save a loVe wheN you Are HurtiNg while tryiNg to saVe it.. you Can Find AnoTher lOve But never Another you.,

So Never Be aFraid Of LettiNg Go anD mOving On., Yes, i Know It is hArD., But liFe anD feeLiNgs Change.. Later On., Those Hurtful things you had experienced WiLL onLy be A memoRy to RemeMber Rather than A memorY to LivE By.,

And RememBer thEre is SOMEONE who lOves You unconditionaLLy anD irreversabLy.. Please Read.. (JoHn 17:23)


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