Thursday, March 12, 2009


24 Hours

7 Days A week

4 WeeKs a monTh

and 12 mOnth a year..

but there is Only oNe Day i like The Most.,it is the daY i Met Him somWheRe in this eArth., and it is Such A reward to know him.,

EvErYdaY i hAve the chAnce to Chat with him (devotional)., And The oppoRtunity thaT was So preCious Oftenly neglEcted (bUsy)., i Am so Busy with soMe stuff thaT i TotALLy forGot Our Date (preoCcupied)., A one on One talked With Him for Just oNe hOur. a little length oF time Yet i Could Never Set everything aside for HiM., stiLL he reMains FaithfuLL anD bLessed Me despiTe of That.,

he iS so eaGEr eveN i Broke my promises., He still Loves me For Who i am even if everythinG aBout me Changes., He knOws me even beFore i was Born in this WorLd., he even coUnted the strands Of my hair., that's how muCh he knows .he Loves Me wiTh an evErlaSting LOve and No one cAn evr Change thAt., DespIte oF whaT i Have Done., i hAd cOmmiTTed a Lot oF siN bUt stiLL forgiVes me.,he hates sin But Loves The sinNer.. He GaVe his Son to Me so that i Could Be saVed.,(read JOHN3:16)

he Promised to Give me A briGht future aHead., He knows what plans he had for me., he hAd plaNned to Prosper me and to Give Me hope., palNs to bLess me anD loVe me unconditionaLLy., he is the perfect expressioN of Love.,

he is My saVioR mY persOnaL saVior., anD we CaLL him JESUS CHRISt.,

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